Thursday, August 5, 2010


This weekend, I got the great opportunity to pick, prepare, and can apricots with our friend Holly. It made me remember that so many of the methods past generations used for cooking and preserving are still so relevant today; without some time spent canning those preserves, a giant tree of apricots would never be able to be enjoyed year 'round. It's pretty awesome to be able to taste real, homemade preserves in the middle of winter, remembering summer's harvest.

There's something so fulfilling about picking fresh fruit at 8 AM (hence the shots of Holly on the roof), standing over the stove and watching your fellow canner disco dance, and following canning procedures found here. If you've never canned, and are looking for a way to preserve the fresh fruits and veggies you love, it's worth a shot. You may be surprised at how rewarding it is.

When the hubs and little A. tried them, they agreed that it was absolutely worth the time. Mmmmm.

If you do can, what do you like to preserve? I'm thinking about a round of peaches, strawberry jam, and possibly tomatoes. Thanks, Holly, for reminding me of what a great process this is!


  1. what great photos! I love to can, we've done dill pickles, mustard pickles, pickled green beans, pickled beats, raspberry jam, pears, applesauce, peach jam, apricot jam & pomegranate jam which was one of my favorites. Sometimes I think I was born in the wrong century ;)Thanks for the inspiring post!

  2. Wow! You're quite the inspiration yourself. I'd love to know about your pomegranate jam recipe. :) Happy canning!

  3. So sorry I missed out! These are great shots. I think we need to do a Mish Mash canning party and pick some fresh berries before summers officially over!


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