Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Orzo SUPER Salad

With being a SAHM who works part time and has her own business I know the trials and tribulations of trying to make healthy meals in a limited amount of time. So every Sunday I take a little time after Sofia goes to bed to make something that can feed her throughout the week whether for lunch, snack, or as a dinner side dish. Sometimes I make different variations of pasta salad, or chicken salad. One of our favorites is this Orzo Super Salad recipe. Why is it super? Well besides it being obviously SUPER yummy it's also full of SUPER ingredients.

Orzo SUPER Salad w/ Cherries, Feta, Spinach, Tomatoes, & Chia Seeds


1 1/2 cups uncooked orzo pasta

1 cup grape tomatoes,

1 cup crumbled feta cheese

1/4 cup chopped fresh spinach

2 tablespoons lemon juice

½ tablespoon Chia Seeds

2 tablespoons olive oil

salt & pepper to taste


Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add pasta and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until al dente; drain.

Whisk together lemon juice and olive oil. Place all ingredients into a large bowl and toss with the dressing. Season with salt & pepper to taste.

The SUPER secret ingredient:

Why we all know Spinach is a super food because of its high nutrient content there is another one on the ingredient list that most of us may not be so familiar with ...... CHIA SEEDS!

Chia Seeds- contain about 20% protein, a higher percentage than found in many other grains such as wheat and rice. Chia seeds contain strontium which helps to assimilate protein and produce high energy. Chia seeds are an excellent source of antioxidants containing even more antioxidants than fresh blueberries. The high amounts of antioxidants in Chia seeds also keeps the oils from going rancid - contributing to a long shelf life. Chia seeds also provide fiber, iron, calcium, niacin, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus.EFAs are known to make cell membranes more flexible and efficient making nutrients more readily available and nerve transmission more efficient. This helps to improve brain function (including memory and concentration).

You can find them at most health food stores including Whole Foods. Simply add them to smoothies, salads, soups, and cereals for a little additional nutrition boost for the whole family.

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