Friday, May 7, 2010

Breakfast of Champions

 Sofia is 16 months old and is a very good eater - 95% of the time - there is always that 5% where she decides she hates something that she couldn't get enough of the day before or as is the case with chocolate something that she should LOVE cause it's um CHOCOLATE! Breakfast has always consisted of either oatmeal w/ fruit or scrambled eggs w/ cheese & veggies & a side of fruit. I have attempted many versions of oatmeal, different brands, different consistencies all with the same disdain and look of disgust. The only cereal she will eat is the same one she has eaten since she was 8 months old....Happy Baby brand oatmeal. After tasting the difference between my homemade version and their's - I got to say their's pretty much kicks some cereal booty. So while I have always made her food from scratch there are a couple of products on the market that are wholesome and organic and super duper yummy. We realize it's not always feasible to make everything from scratch so when you need to buy prepackaged food for your little one make sure it's as good for them as homemade and always taste it yourself. If you wouldn't eat it there's a pretty good chance neither will they! ....Happy Eating! Nicole

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