Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lunch - the Simplest of Ingredients.

Making meals for a toddler three times a day is a full time job for any mom whether you are working or staying home or in our case BOTH. Making them tasty, healthy, and creative is easier on some days than others, but sometimes its the simplicity of wholesome ingredients that has the biggest impact on little taste buds and on their development. Here's an example of what Sofia had for lunch today and how each ingredient breaks down. All together it took me all of 3 minutes to prepare and about 5 minutes for her to devour.  You can see a picture of one of my favorite kitchen gadgets - a Panini press - this thing definitely spends more time on the counter than in the cabinet. 

Grilled Cheese, Avocado, & Basil Sandwich on Whole Wheat *One Bun w/ a side of Strawberries & Cantaloupe (all organic)

  1. Cheese - of course is a great source of calcium.
  2. Avocado - Avocados are the best fruit source of vitamin E, an essential vitamin that protects against many diseases and helps maintains overall health.
  3. Basil - has strong antioxidant properties and volatile oils that have antibacterial properties, and it may decrease the immune response to allergens.
  4. Strawberries - one of the best sources of Vitamin C.
  5. Cantaloupe - known for it's Vitamin A and beta-carotene properties.
  6. Balsamic - Balsamic vinegar contains powerful antioxidant called polyphenols which fight cell damage and boost our immune system.

So what may seem like a very no frills lunch can add up to a lot of necessary vitamins & minerals. It's all about keeping it simple with good food that really doesn't need a lot of fancy seasonings because it just tastes yummy just the way it is. Nothing processed or artificial & always organic. 

*One Buns can be found at Whole Foods and have no additives, or preservatives. 

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